Alternatives to Plastic for Your Promotional Products

If you’re trying to be more environmentally-conscious within your business, then one of your first goals could be to cut back on the amount of plastic you use, create, and distribute. Branded promotional products can contain a lot of plastic, so we’ve rounded up a list of alternative materials you can use to reduce your plastic waste.


Wood is a great, sustainable alternative to plastic, and the best option is bamboo. With a very similar appearance and properties to many types of wood, bamboo is actually a type of grass. The benefit of this is that bamboo plants grow back much faster than trees, lending to their sustainability. They also grow back naturally and independently, so they don’t require any pesticides or interference from humans. Bamboo can replace plastic in a variety of advertising products, from kitchen utensils to office accessories.


While cork does come from a tree, the tree itself doesn’t actually have to be cut down to harvest this material. The bark of the tree is harvested to acquire cork, leaving the tree intact and allowing it to grow its bark back. This typically takes around nine years before the bark can be stripped again.

Cork is a durable and flexible material, making it ideal for crafting a range of promotional products. You could make cork coasters, lids for refillable bottles, journal covers, USB cases, and more.


Metal makes for high-quality, durable promotional products. This means that the products you distribute are built to last, allowing your customers and employees to use them for a long time. Not only is this cost-effective, it also extends your brand exposure whenever you distribute your advertising products.

Stainless steel refillable water bottles are a popular alternative to plastic bottles. This provides your customers with a handy bottle to take with them to work or to the gym. Metal drinking straws are another good option as individuals and companies are trying to reduce the waste created by single-use plastic straws.


Popular clothing materials like polyester and nylon contain plastic. These materials shed micro-fibers as you use them, particularly when you wash them. This can lead to an increase in plastic pollution in the oceans. If you’re printing branded bags or custom t-shirts, then opt for 100% cotton rather than nylon or polyester blends.

Whatever your promotional product needs, Custom Advertising can help. Contact us to find out more about our sustainable marketing strategies or check out the range of products we have to offer in our online store.