How to Combine Your Online and Offline Marketing

We’re in a world of online media, and some people like to claim that more traditional marketing is dead. We think this is far from true, and that you shouldn’t put all your marketing eggs in one basket. The best way to promote your brand effectively is to combine both online marketing, like social media and email, with offline marketing, like print advertising and promotional products.

Unsure how to do this the right way? Here are some tips for combining your online and offline marketing strategies effectively.

QR codes on marketing materials

Lots of online marketing techniques can be used to drive more traffic to your website or a landing page. Just because it’s offline, doesn’t mean traditional marketing can’t do the same. By printing QR codes on your physical marketing materials, your customers can easily scan with their phone and be taken to the landing page of your choice. You can use this technique with flyers, brochures, posters, and pretty much any promotional products, like custom stress balls or stationery.

Send your customers online to win

Give more exposure to an online contest or giveaway by promoting it offline. If you have a physical store or restaurant, for example, then you can tell your customers about it, put up posters, or hand out information on flyers or business cards. Other business types can include contest details on promotional materials sent out to customers by mail or handed out at business events. Have people enter by going on your social media pages and using a specific hashtag, driving more people to follow you online.

Bringing attendees together online and offline

Say you’re hosting an event, conference, or convention. It’s good to encourage people to talk about it online to create some more buzz. An easy way to do this is to establish an official hashtag for the event. Moz Con is a good example of this done well. At this kind of event, people are going to be posting about it online anyway. Using this hashtag helps to organize all these conversations and bring them together, making for great networking opportunities after the fact.

If you’re only attending or presenting at the event, then you can combine the event hashtag with your own brand hashtag. If you’re giving away promotional freebies at the event, then it’s a good idea to have these hashtags printed on your advertising products.

One kind of marketing doesn’t have to make the other one obsolete. Both online and offline marketing are stronger when they’re used together. If you need branded products to boost the offline marketing of your business around Winston Salem and Clemmons, then contact us today.