Promotional products involved with sports

When we think about seasonal events that we can theme our marketing around throughout the year, you might think about the 4th of July, Christmas, back to school. But what about the start of the baseball season, the Superbowl, and other big sporting highlights that happen throughout the year?

This is especially a great idea if your business revolves around sports, such as selling sports equipment, but any business can get involved really. Here are some ideas of ways you can theme your promotional products and campaigns around sporting events and target sports fans.

Fantasy draft wall charts

Fantasy football and fantasy versions of other sports are a popular pastime among sports-obsessed friends, or even to play with strangers online. When it comes to draft season, a draft board or chart is a great way to assign players just like the pros do it. Print out your branded wall charts or custom print on boards to stick on the wall to send or hand out to your customers to make their fantasy draft a little easier and more fun.


If there’s a big tournament like the soccer World Cup, running a free sweepstake is a fun way to improve customer or employee engagement. Everyone involved picks a team that they’re backing to win, usually at random. You can custom print a branded chart that has everyone’s picks on, and the prize could be sports-related promotional products, too. Sweepstakes are often done within the office among staff and supervisors, but you can get your customers involved over social media instead, picking a few winners who chose the right team to send prizes out to.

Superbowl marketing

When it comes to the biggest events of the year, like the Superbowl and the World Series, there’s a lot of momentum that you could be leveraging. As well as online marketing campaigns on social media and other platforms, you could send out branded merchandise for each team to your customers. Or you could combine online and offline marketing by running a competition on social media, asking your followers to guess who’s going to win, sending branded sports merchandise out to the winners.

Local sport promotion

It doesn’t have to be a national league to get your promotional products involved with sports. Maybe your company is sponsoring a local little league team and you need snazzy new shirts printing for them with your brand on it. Or maybe you just want to support the local team and show your team spirit with something fun like foam fingers.

Whatever your advertising product needs may be, you can rely on Custom Advertising for our high-quality and cost-effective products, custom printed to promote your brand. Check out our online store to see our range of products or get in touch for a tailored quote.