7 Essentials for Every College Student

When it comes to promotional products, it pays off to make them useful items that your clients will appreciate and keep around. This summer, why not prepare for back to school season with branded products for college students? If your customers include college students or parents of college students, then these will be a big hit.

Here are some of the essentials that you can share…


Backpacks, duffel bags, messenger bags, laptop bags. They all come in handy when it comes to carrying books and other things to and from classes. They’re also useful for packing things up for that big drive to college.

Flash drives

Technology makes it easy to save, store, and backup files using flash drives. Students will use these a lot for essays and other assignments, when saving them and printing them off in school, for example.

Water bottles

Carrying a reusable water bottle with them helps students save money on drinks, reduce plastic waste, and stay hydrated even on long days of classes. Staying hydrated is important for staying focused (and awake!) during classes.


Buying all the stationery needed for college before the semester starts can add up to a big expense. But you can help your clients out with branded pens, notebooks, and other kinds of stationery. It’s a good idea for college students to stock up on these kinds of things – pens easily go missing and notebooks can fill up fast.

Power banks

A young college student’s worst nightmare might be to be stuck on campus all day with no battery power. It’s much easier to keep smartphones and tablets charged with a portable power bank, rather than having to hunt for a power outlet.


Whether students want to listen to music while studying or put on a playlist when their friends come over, a set of portable speakers come in really handy. Bluetooth speakers are especially easy to use and connect. Branded headphones or earbuds can also be a good choice for when listening to music in the library.


Blankets are important for those cool evenings when students are still fighting the urge to turn the heater on in an effort to save money on bills. Branded blankets can be great for brand exposure, as they’re often left on sofas or beds where your logo is visible.

College students and the parents stocking them up are usually looking for ways to save money, so receiving these free promotional items will certainly be appreciated. And your brand gets additional exposure at the same time. Contact us to order promotional items for your brand.